Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Construction - Beginning and Development of Spreadsheet

To begin the process of my spreadsheet I have made sure that I indicate where the centre of the spreadsheet will be by clicking and dragging my mouse out from the left to make the centre line appear.
This is so that when placing everything on the page and applying columns there is equal space on either side making this a double page spread.

Here I have shown on photo shop how to use the red eye tool on a photo for my double page spread. Firstly I have selected the tool with the eye on.

Here you can see on photoshop that the red colour in the colour section towards the right is on red, therefore I had to change this to black to ensure that i wasn't making my pictures eyes more red.

After ensuring I have selected the correct colour, with the tool brush, i click onto the red eye part until it is as black as i want it. Completing the tool of the red eye remove tool.

Here is my first draft of my spreadsheet, I have took main focus on this image on this page as my main image for this feature, and I have done this by making sure that this image counts for one of the three columns on the left page, however from this image it shows that I haven't applied my text to three columns but i will ensure that I do have three columns on both pages.

 Rectangle Tool: On my double page spread I took an inspiring idea from a kerrang Magazine that had coloured strips around the edges of the written feature with rips of white through them ( similar to the title of the kerrang magazine) so I decided to structure this idea however not have the rips of white going through as I thought I wouls challenege this and adjust it to my targeted audience to see if it fit. I started this process on In Design and clicked on the tool 'Rectangle Tool' shaped as a rectangle.

Then with the mouse I drew out a rectangle and re sized it to the size I wanted.

I then clicked on the colour selection on the right which gave me the option to chose the colour I wanted, I did this by remebering throughout the whole process of the task what my C.M.Y.K had to be and applied it to the rectangle.

In result of this, it had successfully highlighted the whole rectangle strip the colour I wanted. After doing 2 of these and resizing them to make sure they fitted around the page where I wanted them I had completed the easy steps to making the coloured strips.

The above picture is the result of the coloured strips within the double page spread.

 For the double page spread it is important to apply the rule of 'collumn of 3' when constructing the magazine feature. Therefore I had to insert collumns to that my magazine followed the correct conventions.

After a pop up will come out that gives you the option to select the size of margins and how many collumns , I put in the number 2 in the collumns as for both sides of the page I had applied photos for one of the collumns, as from my research planning my results showed that people like to see more photo's than writing, so I made sure I applied this to the double page spread sheet.

After clicking ok, you will get a result of 2 collumns to write in, as shown here and then a seperate collumn already formed for the main image for the feature.

In result to applying the right conventions to the double page spreadsheet, this is my final draft of the double page spread sheet.

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